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THE SEVEN HERMETIC PRINCIPLES  Summary of Lecture #3 2016 presented by Brother Brian, 32nd Degree Master Mason The information below is a partial summary from the book The Kybalion by The Three Initiates (1912). The Kybalion Other resources include: Thrice Greatest Hermes Vol.1 Thrice Greatest Hermes Vol.2 Thrice Greatest Hermes Vol.3 The Emerald Tablet  The Corpus […]

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Masonic legends often claim a lineage stretching back to the Knights Templar or to the Egyptians or even beyond that. They also claim knowledge of a process that can change a person. Other names for this process are alchemy (Greek khemia: “art of transmuting metals”) and theurgy (Greek theos: “god” + ergon: “work”). The Masonic […]

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